Saturday, September 12, 2009

Still Wondering Who's in Charge?

This is what comes when writing without an outline!

I neglected a primary observation and question regarding my own creativity, and others. Am I alone in this or is it shared?

Frequently my most creative urges flare up, erupting when I am the busiest, under the most pressure thus having the least amount of time to devote. The voices demand to be heard, dictating their stories in single minded self interest. Is this truly creativity or just a cop out on my part to avoid work, an excuse defuse? Or perhaps I am like one of those flowers that only blooms under stress, or those pine trees whose cones open only during the heat of a fire to release its nuts and propagate. I'm a nut all right!

Looking at the clock, I discover that these blog entries have taken well over an hour, more like three. To what end? No income. No cures to diseases. I am probably the only one who feels the least bit of satisfaction. How do I balance that satisfaction next to the tangible chores yet undone as this beautemous day passes, with promises unmade and unkept.

The original thread in my mind, leading to this post was my impatience compounded with wanting it all. To write, to play, to garden, to organize, to scrapbook, to share recipes with a cousin, visit with mom and take her shopping, and, yes to dust and vacuum and mop, enjoying the mementos of my life. I want it all. Life is such a joyous gift, I want to give and take and give and take. Times like this I'm a child in the proverbial candy shop, overwhelmed with choices and paralyzed with indecision.

This morning I chose to write. I must live with my decision.

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